Monday 28 November 2011

Free shots!

My birthday celebrations consisted of a party area at Revolution with my closests and partied with free shots and discounted drinks. And Natelle came home from Birmingham especially!

The one.

The BFF's.

Shots, free or not, I honestly will never drink one again. Not because of the morning afters but because I'm allergic to some sort of colouring/flavouring in them. Huge fail!

And the night obviously ended in sharing a tray of chips and kebab with my man. Can't go wrong.

Saturday 19 November 2011

Tonight is the night.

Let's get drunk and dance the night away!

Thursday 17 November 2011

Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday to me-eeeee,
Happy birthday to me!

Monday 14 November 2011

Weekend wonders

Saturday was a day that both my mum and I needed. Lunch and shopping, just us two. I've always been close with my mum, she's like my best friend. I hope Lily and I will always be as close, or even closer.

Later on, my brother's girlfriend joined us and treated me to having my nails done for my birthday - only 3 sleeps away!

And Sunday was a day for quality family time, all cosy at home with Jay and Lily. Perfect.

Friday 11 November 2011

Casually blogging from my shiny new iPhone!
There's literally an app for everything.


It's uniform month at work, which means mega discount. Oh yes!
One item I purchased was a beautiful cream, cable knit jumper. Warm.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Oh and my man surprised me with 24 cans of this beautiful drink shipped all the way from the US of A

Are you jel?

Oh Bruno

Tuesday night, Jay and I watched hundreds of girls (including me) swoon over Mr. Bruno Mars. As he said "Guys, let Bruno do the talking". Above is the outfit that I was hoping would make the hawaiian singer fall in love with me. Obviously, I should've worn a dress!
Despite me unfortunately being ill the whole night, I had a lovely night. Bruno Mars puts on an incredible show. His X Factor performance which I posted a few days ago is just a glimpse at what his whole live show is all about.

I spoke before the show of my make-up that night. And here I am ...

I love make-up and discovering new looks. I'm always checking out other people's on the internet and in magazines and playing around with what I already have. I have a bit of an obsession with nail varnish too. I wish I'd have done a make-up course after my A-Levels - one of my many dream careers is a make-up artist.

Today I went all natural on my lips and matched my brown eyes with brown eyeshadow and feline eyeliner flicks.

Wednesday was family day - pub lunch and shopping for Lily-Lou. I got a bit carried away, so of course she had to play dress up.

Time for a cuppa and Celebrity Juice.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Currently glamming myself up for a night singing and dancing to Bruno Mars live. Wow! The hunk that is Mr Mars will be doing his thing a few feet away from me.

I'm going for eyelashes and red lippy with a bit of blusher. Simple but stunning.

You can't go wrong with red smackers!
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She's beautiful.

Little treats and teasures

I've neglected my blog for the past week. I've been a busy body! With Christmas shopping, treating myself to little somethings, days out, looking after my little treasure and work, I haven't had chance to sit down and get tapping away at my keyboard.

As I speak, Lily is beating her Nan up; poking her in the eye, pulling her hair, hitting her around the head with toys. You name it. So I thought whilst she's being tortured, I'd sit down for 5.
Speaking of Lily, she's nearly 8 months, so crawling should be in order soon, but for now she's just rolling up and down the room.

First off, I am super excited that it's November, which means my birthday is soon!! And on that day, in 2 weeks time, this little beauty will be all mine.

Image 1 of ASOS Faux Fur Leopard Hooded Coat With Ears

Trick or treat? I treated myself to some of the new Models Own nail polishes from the 'Beetlejuice' collection. I can't wait for them to arrive so I can play!

On Tuesday, Jay and I visited my all time favourite place, Alton Towers, for their annual Scarefest. It was both of ours first Scarefest and my oh my were we scared! Such brilliant concepts and actors involved in all of the attractions especially for Halloween. From zombies to scary clowns. Psychopathic twins to mysterious men in cloaks.

There were 3 scare mazes. Not exactly mazes, more like indoor trails that went up and down, in and out, squeeze through small spaces, all in darkness or strobe lighting. Actors jumping out at you from no where, taunting you, blowing in your face, and most frightening of all, clowns asking you for a kiss and claiming they'll have clown babies with you. I didn't have a phobia of clowns before this visit.

And the best thing that happened all week?! Jay and Lily visiting me at work.